how are yu formatin em n wer? if yu clik on the lil pic of a mountain wer yu create posts, yu shud b able 2 select the pic yu want. yer pic shud b formatted as either a jpeg er gif. anythin else won werk.
Well my name comes from the golden queen Ramoth in the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. I have a sister called Celena and a Mum and Dad. We have never had any pets unless you count tadpoles.I play the guitar and cello and love kayaking.
how are yu formatin em n wer? if yu clik on the lil pic of a mountain wer yu create posts, yu shud b able 2 select the pic yu want. yer pic shud b formatted as either a jpeg er gif. anythin else won werk.
How did you find it?I think my teset were something or rather but how did you find my site?
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