the way to tell if it went through or not is when yer writing the post. hit preview thas in the corner. itll show ya what itll come up as. thas how i tell if it werks or not. also after the popup thng is finished loading yu shud have a bunch of random stuff at the top of yer post. dont erase that cuz thas the url for the pic.
You don't have to load it up on the HTML part. Just go to the regular posting part. If it works right, you'll have a little miniature version of the pic above your post. And does Thailand still exist? I though it was taken-over by, wait...Aha, that Tibet...sorry...
Well my name comes from the golden queen Ramoth in the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. I have a sister called Celena and a Mum and Dad. We have never had any pets unless you count tadpoles.I play the guitar and cello and love kayaking.
wwwahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!It isn't WORKING!! I did all the steps right but no picture came up
the way to tell if it went through or not is when yer writing the post. hit preview thas in the corner. itll show ya what itll come up as. thas how i tell if it werks or not. also after the popup thng is finished loading yu shud have a bunch of random stuff at the top of yer post. dont erase that cuz thas the url for the pic.
You don't have to load it up on the HTML part. Just go to the regular posting part. If it works right, you'll have a little miniature version of the pic above your post. And does Thailand still exist? I though it was taken-over by, wait...Aha, that Tibet...sorry...
It definately still existed. That is why it won't come up? I keep erasing it.
Well, that may be your problem!
It was. =P
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